Keep Smiling!

You might think that “keep smiling” is the most ridiculous piece of advice a doula can give any labouring woman. Well, is it really?!  I beg to differ and I’ll tell you why. 

How does the act of smiling or even laughing affect your body? Well, try it. Right now. Now pretend to be angry or scared. It’s pretty hard to have a genuine smile while you grit your teeth, squeeze your hands into fists, and breathe in rapid, short breaths. Tension within your body fights against everything your body is trying to do as it labours. In contrast, while smiling, your muscles are more relaxed and breathing becomes fuller and easier. Relaxed muscles are more efficient in their work, as are muscles which have the oxygen they need to work. Smiling is simply a mode of relaxation (or focused distraction) which can help your body labour easier.

Can smiling affect your body in other ways to help the labour process? Yes! Have you ever laughed while you cried after you stubbed a toe, twisted an ankle, or hit your funny bone? It doesn't hurt so bad then, does it? Well, smiling can shift your hormones from adrenaline released by the common fear/flight response of labour (which can slow your labour) to those called beta-endorphins, which are your body’s own pain killer. Yes, you read that correctly. Your body will release hormones that help your body manage the pain of contractions. If you let it. Sadly, any medication you choose to take to help manage pain in labour will disrupt your body’s hormonal system and they will become less or ineffective. So, smile and laugh for pain relief! 

Are there any other reasons to smile? Most importantly, you’re going to meet your baby soon! That in itself is worth smiling about. You have been waiting how long for this to happen? At least months, if not years. So, congratulations! Begin labour with a smile knowing the last step of this whole amazing experience is beginning. Continue through labour with a smile knowing your body is doing exactly what it was meant to do. Smile knowing this is an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. Your positive mindset (and smile) will influence your labour experience and hopefully, help you get through it just a little easier.  

In review, smiling can help you in labour by: 

  1. Being a distraction - a common comfort measure used during labour.

  2. Keeping your body relaxed to let it work easier, and hopefully faster. 

  3. Letting the helpful hormones manage your pain level.

  4. Helping you remember the positive memories of your experience for a very long time

There is much to smile about as you finish this journey. Keep smiling!

Note: I know the above is a simplistic explanation of an extremely fascinating and complicated hormonal process; for those who don’t have any background in the process, this is enough to make my point.
